Early Bird Registration for the 2016 Symposium closes April 4th!
This year’s COF Symposium is focused on the important theme of Gimme Five: Building a Better Tomorrow through Prevention Today, and will build on the First Lady’s challenge over the past five years of incorporating a healthier lifestyle and our Surgeon General’s priorities for better health. The Symposium is […]
The January/February Frontline has been posted at http://www.coausphs.org/media/1240/janfeb-coa-fl-16_final-color.pdf . There are two articles featured from the Aurora Borealis Branch! If you have any ideas for future articles please contact the Publications Chair, CDR Anne Marie Bott ambott@anthc.org. Keep up the awesome work!! Brittany L. Keener, PharmD, […]
By LCDR Brittany Keener Each year, the Aurora Borealis Branch of the COA honors a senior and junior officer to recognize their efforts toward leadership, Officership, and volunteerism. On December 30, 2015, CDR Anne Marie Bott and LT Jessica Thompson were recognized as the Senior and Junior Officer of the […]
What: Professional photos/headshots with flags When: Friday January 29th between 10:30am-2:30pm Where: ANMC Conference Room 2 Cost: $20 per Officer (proceeds go to the Aurora Borealis COA Branch) Uniform: Service Dress Blues strongly encouraged but not required, and don’t forget to bring your cover!