Dear Commissioned Corps Officers,
Please join RADM Sylvia Trent-Adams and RADM Joan Hunter for the next USPHS Commissioned Corps Town Hall Meeting on Monday, July 17, 2017 at 10:00am EST.
During this session, the Acting Surgeon General (aSG) and the Director of the Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel & Readiness (DCCPR) will highlight significant accomplishments by the Commissioned Corps over the past few months. Additionally, the aSG and Director of DCCPR will outline goals for the rest of the year and provide general updates.
Below is the link and conference call information for the meeting. The Town Hall will be recorded. Please note the conference line is only for officers who do not have access to listen via the web link.
All Hands meeting web cast live using the following link:
Teleconference Line: 1-888-921-3860
Participant Code: 6750453
Very Respectfully,
RADM Sylvia Trent-Adams RADM Joan Hunter
Acting Surgeon General Director of DCCPR