Greetings COA,
Executive Committee elections for the upcoming operational year will occur in September. Available positions include Secretary and Treasurer. Please start thinking about your candidacy if you are interested in one of these leadership positions. This is a great opportunity to become more involved at the local level and grow as a leader with a wonderful team and elite branch. There will be follow up emails with detailed information on the election process in the next month.
Electing a new Executive Committee could not be possible without a solid Nominating Committee to oversee the elections. If you would like to volunteer as a member of the Nominating Committee, please send me an email requesting to join the committee.
Nominating Committee responsibilities are outlined in our Bylaws ( Here is an overview of responsibilities:
- Prepare the ballot and electronically distribute it, along with the candidates’ position statements, to all members of the Branch no later than September 15
- Have paper ballots available for September election
- Collect and tally ballots at end of September meeting
If you have any questions about the upcoming elections or Nominating Committee, please let me know.
Very Respectfully,
LCDR Katie Jacques
Katie Jacques, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
LCDR, United States Public Health Service
Southcentral Foundation Clinical Director: Physical Therapy & Exercise, Home Based Services, Wellness Center at VNPCC
Alaska Native Medical Center
4201 Tudor Centre Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508
P: 907.729.7441 | F: 907.729.6684 |E: