Good Afternoon,
I hope you are all well. I’m writing to remind the branch that we are recruiting Executive Committee candidates for the next operational year. Interested candidates should submit a self-nomination (attached) by COB next Friday, June 8th. The available positions are listed below and their responsibilities outlined in the attached SOP document (pgs 8-12):
- President-Elect – One year as President-Elect, Second year as President, and third year as Immediate Past President
- Secretary – One Year Term
- Treasurer – One Year Term
These positions and their responsibilities may seem like a big commitment. And I’ll admit that standing in front of a group of fellow officers and assuming responsibility for managing processes can be some work, particularly, when public speaking, management, and leadership are areas where officers do not normally receive training. But I think that the COA experience is an excellent opportunity and venue in which to develop these skills and begin preparing for the responsibilities of a senior officer. And while you’re doing the work, you‘ll know that you are serving an organization that has solid mission, enjoys a great reputation, and has greatly benefited officers and their families.
Please consider the following potential personal benefits of serving with the COA:
- The COA Executive Committee is a good environment to learn and practice leadership skills in preparation for future responsibilities.
- It is a good place to meet fellow officers in other categories.
- Shouldering responsibility now establishes officership and reduces need in the future when family and work responsibilities increase, and free time decreases.
- If COA doesn’t seem fun, you can join and bring the fun.
- If there are policies or practices you think should change, being part of the EC can provide you a platform to accomplish the change you seek.
- The COA provides officers benefits and as an EC member you can have a role have pursuing new or expanding current benefits.
- The attached talking points document lists COA accomplishments. As an organization they have been very effective in advocating for Public Health Service officers. As a branch member or EC member you could be the start of the change you seek in the system.
- Here are some additional benefits. Source:
So, should you decide to accept this mission, please complete the self-nomination form and return as soon as possible to me. Your name will be added to the ballot and the ballots released on June 15th. The election will be held at the June COA meeting on June 27th. At the meeting the candidates will make a brief presentation to the branch summarizing their experience and qualifications. A vote will be conducted and the results announced the following day.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to your response.
Very Respectfully,
Leigh Hubbard