Dear Public Health Service Officers,
For your information and awareness, the Office of the Surgeon General invites you to view the new issue of Public Health Reports (PHR), the official journal of the Office of the US Surgeon General and the US Public Health Service, which was recently posted online.
Please see below the issue’s table of contents as well as the summaries of a few articles of interest to USPHS (PDFs are attached).
Commissioned Corps Communications
This editorial summarizes PHR’s accomplishments in 2021, which included a historic impact factor increase and the launch of research article collections on COVID-19 and the health harms of racism.
This case study describes how Commissioned Corps therapists, deployed with a COVID-19 response augmentation team, helped improve care at a hospital overwhelmed during the pandemic.
This case study describes lessons learned from a social media resource created by scientists to promote media literacy and counter misinformation during the pandemic.
This study finds lower COVID-19 test positivity among LGBTQ+ people than among their heterosexual peers, potentially due to the former group’s better protective health practices and greater social isolation. Authors note that racial and ethnic disparities, among both LGBTQ+ and cisgender heterosexual people, still remain and addressing them should be a public health priority.
PHR invites scholarly submissions to a special issue on strategies to reduce health disparities and accelerate progress toward health equity in US, sponsored by CDC Office of Minority Health and Health Equity. See call for papers for details.
Table of Contents:
Public Health Reports- Volume 137, Number 3 (May/June 2022)
Special Article
Public Health Reports in 2021: Impact Factor Increase and New Article Collections on Racism and COVID-19
Andrey Kuzmichev, Noelle M. Harada, Derek M. Griffith, Krista M. Powell, and Hazel D. Dean
Suicide Hot Spots: Leveraging County-Level Data and Local Agencies to Target Prevention in High-Risk Areas
Tanner J. Bommersbach, Robert A. Rosenheck, and Anita S. Everett
Leveraging the Affordable Housing Sector to Respond to the Opioid Crisis
Craig Evan Pollack, Brendan Saloner, Stephen Lucas, Emily Warren, Manotri Chaubal, and Alene Kennedy-Hendricks
Depression, HIV, and COVID-19: A Deadly Trifecta
David May and Robert Fullilove
Case Study
Translating Research-Funded Mobile Produce Market Trials Into Sustained Public Health Programs: Food on the Move
E. Whitney Evans, Reece Lyerly, Kim M. Gans, Nicole Alexander Scott, Eliza Dexter Cohen, Eliza Lawson, and Amy Nunn
Campus Reset: Dynamic Planning and Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infections at the US Air Force Academy
John C. Sitko, Erin A. Almand, Christopher A. Cullenbine, J. Jordan Steel, Joseph W. Rohrer, Douglas P. Wickert, and Steven C.M. Hasstedt
Therapists in the Uniformed Services: Improving Care in Emergency Response Medical Missions
Josef S. Otto, Carla Chase, and Christopher W. Barrett
Implementation of a COVID-19 Infection Control Plan in a Large Urban Jail System
Nazia Qureshi, Charles Cardenas, Ngoc Dung Tran, and Sean O. Henderson
Lessons Learned From Dear Pandemic, a Social Media–Based Science Communication Project Targeting the COVID-19 Infodemic
Sandra S. Albrecht, Shoshana V. Aronowitz, Alison M. Buttenheim, Sarah Coles, Jennifer Beam Dowd, Lauren Hale, Aparna Kumar, Lindsey Leininger, Ashley Z. Ritter, Amanda M. Simanek, Christine B. Whelan, and Malia Jones
Brief Report
SARS-CoV-2 Viral Incidence, Antibody Point Prevalence, Associated Population Characteristics, and Vaccine Attitudes, South Carolina, February 2021
Melissa S. Nolan, Virginie Daguise, Megan Davis, Joan M. Duwve, Windsor Westbrook Sherrill, Moonseong Heo, Alain H. Litwin, Mufaro Kanyangarara, Stella Self, Rongjie Huang, Jan M. Eberth, Lídia Gual-Gonzalez, Mary K. Lynn, Jeffrey Korte, and the SC STRONG Project Team
Public Health Evaluation
Accuracy of Medical Examiner’s Assessment for Near–Real-Time Surveillance of Fatal Drug Overdoses, King County, Washington, March 2017–February 2018
Kirsten Vannice, Julia Hood, Nicole Yarid, Meagan Kay, Richard Harruff, and Jeff Duchin
The Value of Community Health Literacy Assessments: Health Literacy in Maryland
Heather Platter, Katya Kaplow, and Cynthia Baur
Health Insurance Status as a Predictor of Mode of Colon Cancer Detection but Not Stage at Diagnosis: Implications for Early Detection
Lindsey A. Jones, Katherine C. Brewer, Leslie R. Carnahan, Jennifer A. Parsons, Blase N. Polite, Carol Estwing Ferrans, Richard B. Warnecke, and Garth H. Rauscher
Knowledge of Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus Among Women Who Are Pregnant or Intend to Become Pregnant, Arizona, 2017
Elizabeth J. Anderson, Kacey Ernst, David O. Garcia, Elise Lopez, Kristen Pogreba Brown, Erika Austhof, Dametreea Carr McCuin, Mary H. Hayden, and Mary P. Koss
Using the Electronic Health Record to Characterize the Hepatitis C Virus Care Cascade
Shannon M. Christy, Richard R. Reich, Julie A. Rathwell, Susan T. Vadaparampil, Kimberly A. Isaacs-Soriano, Mark S. Friedman, Richard G. Roetzheim, and Anna R. Giuliano
State Medicaid Authorities’ Policy Communications With Providers on Individualized Pediatric Dental Care
Chelsea Fosse and Burton L. Edelstein
Variation in the Content of Postpartum Visits by Maternal Race/Ethnicity, Preconception, and Pregnancy-Related Cardiovascular Disease Risk, PRAMS, 2016-2017
Kaitlyn K. Stanhope and Michael R. Kramer
Geographic Differences and Social Determinants of Health Among People With HIV Attributed to Injection Drug Use, United States, 2017
Chan Jin, Ndidi Nwangwu-Ike, Zanetta Gant, Shacara Johnson Lyons, and Anna Satcher Johnson
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Immigrant and US-Born Adults in New York City
Claudia Chernov, Lisa Wang, Lorna E. Thorpe, Nadia Islam, Amy Freeman, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, Rania Kanchi, and Sharon E. Perlman
Arsenic Exposure and Melanoma Among US Adults Aged 20 or Older, 2003-2016
Ahmed Bedaiwi, Ashley Wysong, Eleanor G. Rogan, Dillon Clarey, and Christine M. Arcari
Acceptance of Saliva-Based Specimen Collection for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Among K-12 Students, Teachers, and Staff
Heather P. McLaughlin, Mary Claire Worrell, Sara Malone, Patrick Dawson, Brett Maricque, Jessica L. Halpin, Sooji Lee, Stephanie A. Fritz, Sarah C. Tinker, Julie A. Neidich, Katie Towns, Justin S. Lee, Lisa C. Barrios, John C. Neatherlin, Jason G. Newland, and Johanna S. Salzer, Specimen Collection Field Team
COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Skilled Nursing Facilities in Cook County, Illinois
Sage J. Kim, Meredith Hollender, Andrew DeMott, Haewon Oh, Ishan Bhatia, Yochai Eisenberg, Michael Gelder, and Susan Hughes
Contingency Management and SARS-CoV-2 Testing Among People Who Inject Drugs
Camille C. Cioffi, Derek Kosty, Christopher G. Capron, Hannah F. Tavalire, Robert C. Barnes, and Anne Marie Mauricio
Statewide Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Diagnoses and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Tracy L. Jackson, Philip A. Chan, NFN Scout, Lauren S. Nocera, Denise Crooks, Winston McCormick, Sarah Bowman, Leanne Lasher, Amir Sabet Sarvestani, and Laura C. Chambers
Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccination Likelihood Among Reproductive-Aged Women in the United States
Sirena Gutierrez, Rachel Logan, Cassondra Marshall, Jennifer Kerns, and Nadia Diamond-Smith
Law and the Public’s Health
Community Health Worker Sustainability: Funding, Payment, and Reimbursement Laws in the United States
Cason D. Schmit, David J. Washburn, Megan LaFleur, Denise Martinez, Emily Thompson, and Timothy Callaghan
Corrigendum: Gaps in Knowledge About COVID-19 Among US Residents Early in the Outbreak
Corrigendum: National Support for a Menthol Cigarette Sales Ban
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