
Real Transformation for the PHS Commissioned Corps

03/22/2010 – With the historic passage of a health reform bill by the House of Representatives last evening, the PHS Commissioned Corps finally has achieved concrete steps toward a real transformation. While COA cannot claim sole credit for the provisions regarding the Surgeon General and the Commissioned Corps in HR […]

Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation

First Lady Michelle Obama, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and Surgeon General Regina Benjamin announced plans January 28th to help Americans lead healthier lives through better nutrition, regular physical activity, and improving communities to support healthy choices. “Americans will be more likely to change their behavior if they have a meaningful […]

18th Surgeon General sworn in

01/12/2010 – Vice Admiral Regina M. Benjamin, USPHS, was formally sworn into office as the nation’s 18th Surgeon General in an elaborate ceremony in front of several hundred family members, colleagues, former patients, and PHS Commissioned Corps officers at the Ronald Reagan Building in downtown Washington, DC on Monday afternoon, […]

Update from National COA

COA Member Survey.  We have had a good response to the COA Member Survey, which will remain available through 15 December.  Please encourage your branch members to visit the website and click on one of the two links there to access the survey, if they have not already done […]